Monday, May 20, 2013


 PWS is a spectrum disorder and symptoms vary in severity and occurrence among individuals. With the benefit of an early diagnosis, access to growth hormone replacement therapy, and a nurturing environment, those with PWS are accomplishing more than ever. Nevertheless, even as many with PWS have the intellectual capacity to live independently, the challenges of the disorder are limiting, and the vast majority of individuals with PWS are not able to live without constant supervision.

When first learning of Clover's diagnosis, one of the hardest things for me to grasp was the fact that she may never be able to live an independent life. We all have hopes and dreams for our kids....mine included seeing my children grow up, finish school, fall in love, have children, live happy lives, etc. For a moment I felt like all of these hopes and dreams were shattered. The hope is back and I will do everything I can to raise awareness and help find a cure for PWS.

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