Wednesday, May 7, 2014


On behalf of Prader-Willi Syndrome Awareness Month, I am answering your questions about PWS. Today's question is from a very good friend, Jennifer P. She asked, "can you tell if Clover is starting to have the hunger problems yet?"

Clover hasn't reached the "hunger" phase of PWS yet....also known as hyperphagia. For those that don't know, a sad symptom of PWS is a constant feeling of hunger....the kind of hunger you would feel if you haven't eaten for days....and they feel this way even after eating a large meal.

This stage of PWS happens at different times for different kids. Some can enter this stage as young as 2, while others may be 12 years old and still able to feel full. It's one of those thing as a PWS parent that is ALWAYS on your mind....When will this happen? Is she there yet? Oh no, she's acting hungry, is this it?

Even though Clover isn't in the hunger stage yet, she is very, very interested in food....almost to the point that it causes her anxiety. I know a lot of people tell me "oh, all kids her age are like that with food." But, it's different with Clover. Her brain simply works differently. We can't have any food left out on the cupboards or on the table, and we most definitely can never eat in front of Clover unless she is eating too. Sometimes even the presence of food on the table during dinner causes her too much stress (even if she already has food on her tray).

Everyday I hope and pray that a cure is found before Clover ever has to feel like she is starving! It sounds mean to tell a hungry child that they can't eat, but that is simply the reality of PWS. We have to protect them. For those kids in the hyperphagia stage, if they are left unattended, they can literally eat themselves to death....and what that means is that they eat to the point that their stomach ruptures. It is a very scary and real thing. 

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