May is Prader Willi Syndrome Awareness Month!
As you know, our sweet daughter Clover was diagnosed with Prader Willi Syndrome shortly after she was born. At that time, we experienced a lot of different emotions...devastation, fear, frustration, anger, sadness, and the list goes on. We felt alone. We felt like there was no way anyone could understand what we were going through....what Clover was going through. We worried about her future and all the things she may never be able to do.
Things are so very different now.
Clover is 8 months old and amazes us every single day. She brings so much joy into our lives. She is learning new things every day, she loves her brother, she is happy, she is silly and always has us laughing, she is smart, she is strong and she inspires me everyday to be a better person.
We have met other PWS families who have become such a wonderful support system for us. I can't help but feel instantly connected with these families. We have a bond that is very special and I am so very thankful for these people in my life.
Since becoming a mother, my life has a new purpose...and that is to do all I can to help Clover and Henry's lives be the best they can be. Raising awareness for Prader Willi Syndrome is just one thing I can do to make a difference for Clover, our family and others with PWS.
what an important sweet video about your darling Clover.