Friday, March 22, 2013


Have you seen this Subaru commercial??

I think I cry every time I see it.

I love it so much.

It reminds me of Curtis.  I can see him doing this exact same thing.

Curtis is the BEST dad!  I love watching him with our kids.  Clover and Henry are sure lucky to have such a wonderful daddy who loves and cares for them so much. 

If you have ever held Clover or Henry in front of Curtis, then you have most likely experienced him telling you about 152 times to "be careful" and "watch his/her arm" and "be sure to support his/her head" and "he/she likes to be held like this" and my very favorite, "don't drop him/her."  Don't feel bad if Curtis criticizes your every little move while holding one of the babies.  He does it to me too.  Every day.  He loves them....that's why.

The one time we left our kids with a friend (for one hour, mind you), Curtis was sure to go over every little thing about the kids.....including how to do infant CPR.

He was meant to be a daddy and there is nothing I love more than watching him fulfill that roll.

1 comment:

  1. I love that Curtis is a dad too! He is such a great guy and I've always thought that! I can totally hear him saying, "don't drop them!" Those two are super lucky kiddos!'re both awesome!
